
Nutritional products for healthy hair

Curly Girl approved products to nourish your hair

The different types of nutrition for your hair

What’s important for healthy hair? Right, nutrition! Just as (healthy) food is important for the body, your hair also needs the right nutrition. What the best hair nutrition is for you depends on your hair type. For example, do you have thin curly hair and use a lot of light products? Then an oil might not be such a good idea. You can then use a leave-in conditioner and a hair mask. At Kurlify we sell different types of nutrition for every hair type. So also for yours!!! Good to know: these products, like all the others, are CG-friendly!

Good nutrition is important for healthy hair

Do you have dry and lifeless hair and it doesn’t curl well? Then you might not be using the right kind or amount of nutrition. Read more about the different types of nutrition below and find out which nutrition works best for your hair type!


An essential part of many curlies‘ hair routine is to use a hair mask, also known as deep conditioning. If you follow the Curly Girl Method, it’s important that the hair mask is CG-proof. Luckily at Kurlify all hair masks are CG-friendly! So you can be sure that your hair is being nourished with the right ingredients. By using a hair mask at least once a week, you’ll get prettier, healthier and shinier curls that will shape better. Note! There are many different types of masks – deep treatments, for example. These masks you can leave in your hair all night. In addition, you also have masks with and without protein. If your hair does not need much protein, we recommend you use a hair mask without protein and alternate it with a protein mask from time to time. This only applies when your other hair products do not contain protein.

Discover our Curly Girl-Proof Hairmasks


As a wavy, curly or coily girl, you probably suffer from dry or frizzy hair more often than not. So moisturizing, conditioning and ensuring shiny hair in a CG-friendly way is a must. Oil helps with this! Another benefit of oil is that it also promotes a healthy scalp. Note that oil can quickly weigh your hair down, so it’s definitely not the right food for everyone! If you do want to add a CG-friendly oil to your routine, it’s good to know that there are two different types. For one, there are oils that moisturize your hair and oils that seal your hair. When you use a sealing oil, the oil stays on your hair. This ensures that your hair stays hydrated longer. If you want to know more about this, you can read this article!

Discover our Curly Girl-Proof Oliën

CG leave-in conditioners

Using a CG-friendly leave-in conditioner is also an important part of the styling routine for many curlies. This is because this conditioner not only cares for your hair, but also the scalp. This is important, because a healthy scalp results in beautiful, healthy curls. A leave-in conditioner is usually applied after you have washed your hair and before you apply your styling products, such as a gel or mousse. There are many different types of leave-in conditioner on the market, including light and heavy leave-in conditioners. Are you a wavy girl with thin hair? Then it’s best to use a lighter leave-in conditioner. There are also leave-in conditioners with and without protein – another thing to look out for, as a leave-in conditioner with protein is not always suitable for your hair type.

At Kurlify, we sell different types of CG-friendly leave-in conditioners, CG-friendly hair masks and CG-friendly oils. So also nourishing products to suit your hair type!

Discover our Curly Girl-Proof Leave-In Conditioners